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Renton School District

Our District

It's an exciting time for our teachers, administrators, and support staff to be working in public education. All of our energy, resources, ideas, and goals are focused on academic achievement, student success, and the brilliant promise of our children. The results of our efforts may be seen in the level of excellence maintained in all district programs. It's there in the caring way our bus drivers safely transport students to and from school, in the pride of our custodians who keep our buildings and grounds safe, comfortable, and attractive. It's the care and warmth of our secretaries who connect with families and citizens, and in the commitment of our teachers to prepare students for a meaningful future.

Educating our children to be contributing citizens in a democratic society is an awesome challenge. It is a task we readily accept, but cannot do alone. We encourage and value community partnerships with our families, government agencies, and local businesses. Whether you volunteer at a school, participate in district advisory committees, or continue to support levy and school bond elections, your contributions are needed to help all students reach their full potential.