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Renton School District

Policy and Procedure of Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students

The district recognizes that students whose disabilities adversely impact their educational performance and who require specially designed instruction, have potential for improving educational performance when they receive special education and related services tailored to fit their needs.

Each eligible student with a disability in the district shall be afforded a full education opportunity. This goal shall be met, consistent with the state’s goals, by ensuring the provision of a free, appropriate public education; by complying with state and local procedures; and by improving performance goal indicators. Special education services for students eligible for special education shall be an integral part of the general education programs of the district, and shall operate in compliance with federal and state requirements governing special education. The district provides a continuum of placement options which may include services within and outside the district depending on individual student needs.

The School Board authorizes the superintendent or a designee to bind the district to a mediation or resolution agreement as directed by state and federal regulations. The superintendent shall develop procedures to implement this policy, as directed by federal and state regulations.

Not all students with disabilities are eligible for special education services. The needs of each student shall be addressed individually and, if appropriate, the student shall be provided appropriate accommodations or modifications required under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, in accordance with district policy and procedures.