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Renton School District

Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program (WAGAP)

Renton School District has partnered with the Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program (WAGAP) to support our graduating seniors with guaranteed admissions to attend six state four year colleges or universities. This program is for guaranteed college admissions only and does not include college financial support. The partnership improves our current efforts to meet the college and career goals of our students and to increase college access.

WAGAP recently created a new website to help families and students better understand and access their program. Access the website now at

  • The new website is primarily forward-facing, designed to engage students and families with clear, accessible information about WAGAP. For example, our ad campaign aimed at students and families directs them to this new site.
  • Meanwhile, WAGAP partners will still have access to all the resources they need—such as data upload instructions and FAQs—on a separate page that remains available on the Council of Presidents website.
  • WAGAP is in the process of transitioning materials to align with the new branding and will roll out updates incrementally. We’ll keep you informed as changes are made and new resources become available.

What is WAGAP?

The Washington Guaranteed Admissions Program (WAGAP) allows guaranteed admissions to attend any of these Washington public, four-year college or universities: Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, The Evergreen State College, University of Washington Tacoma, Washington State University and Western Washington University

Students who meet the criteria or are on track to meet the criteria by fall 2024, are guaranteed admission to all six participating institutions. To be eligible, high school students and families need to:

  • Families must provide permission to allow the district to share student information with these colleges and universities (see below)

  • Students earn and maintain a 3.0 GPA

  • Students meet these College Academic Distribution Requirement courses (CADRs), which are required courses students must take in high school to be eligible to be admitted to college

    • Students should continue to work with high school teachers, counselors, and other staff to ensure they're on track to graduate from high school and meet the requirements for this guaranteed college admissions program.

    • Students are encouraged to engage in challenging high school coursework and maintain their high school GPA during their senior year to meet the guaranteed admission criteria.

How to apply

When its time to apply for college, students and families complete and submit the official application for admission, complete and submit additional requirements identified by the college or university, and apply for student financial aid.

Provide permission to share student information with colleges and universities

Families of high school juniors and seniors must provide permission to allow the district to send colleges/universities your student’s information for them to be eligible for the guaranteed admission, including student name, date of birth, grade level, email(s) on record (school, personal) for student and parent/guardian, home mailing address, unweighted cumulative GPA, and completion of College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs). Without your permission, we cannot send data to these colleges/universities and your student is not eligible for guaranteed admission.

Please visit your Skyward Family Access account to provide approval to release this important information to the colleges and universities.

To learn more, visit