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Renton School District

Elementary School Boundary Proposals 2023

From November 2022 through March 2023, an Elementary Boundary Review Committee, made up of majority (10) family members from six elementary schools, school principals, and support staff, worked to consider many important factors as they developed proposals for boundaries for the new Hilltop Heritage Elementary. The committee also worked to create school boundaries of six nearby elementary schools as opening a new school required that we also shift those boundaries.

The boundary review work included efforts to balance enrollment/capacity of the schools, reduce (but not necessarily eliminate) use of portables, and balance each school’s demographics and programs. The committee also requested and reviewed feedback from the community (at an in-person community meeting and from all families for several weeks online) to help assess proposals and impacts. Nearly 400 families (in-person and through the online process) provided input on the boundary proposals. 

The group reviewed multiple data points to create the elementary school boundaries proposals:

  • neighborhood cohesiveness
  • safe student walking routes
  • current and future school capacity
  • regional population data
  • school enrollment projections
  • new housing/apartment developments
  • school bus transportation routes
  • land restrictions (major roads & highways, powerlines)
  • geographic mapping

The schools whose boundaries were considered are:

  • Hazelwood Elementary
  • Highlands Elementary
  • Hilltop Heritage Elementary
  • Honey Dew Elementary
  • Kennydale Elementary
  • Maplewood Heights Elementary
  • Sierra Heights Elementary
Family & Community Input

The district hosted a community meeting on January 31, 2023 at Maplewood Heights Elementary School to share the work of the Boundary Review Committee and present their proposed boundary recommendations. Families who were unable to attend the meeting had several weeks to review the presentation online and provide feedback. More than 400 families offered input on boundary proposals.

Boundary Committee Work

Below is the presentation and boundary options the Boundary Committee presented to the community in February 2023. It is no longer being considered as the School Board has adopted elementary school boundaries that will be in place beginning in the 2023-2024 school year.

The boundary review process included opportunities for all families to:

  • Watch a recorded presentation (the same as was presented at the in-person event: see below)
  • Review boundary change proposal maps
  • Complete a feedback form
Recorded Presentation

Boundary Change Proposal Maps for Elementary Schools: