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Renton School District

Health/Physical Education

Vision for Health Instruction

The Renton School District offers Health instruction in Kindergarten- 6th and 9th grade that is aligned to the Washington State Health Education K-12 Learning Standards focusing on Wellness, Safety, Nutrition, Sexual Health, Social Emotional Health, and Substance Use and Abuse. Students in grades 5-12 are required by state law to receive HIV prevention education once a year, which is conducted in health and science classes. Family Life/ Sexual Health is taught in various grades throughout the district, in compliance with the Health Youth Act. Your child’s classroom teacher can provide more information on their grade level curriculum.

Vision for P.E. Instruction

Physical education’s goal is to develop physically literate students—students who acquire the knowledge and possess the skills needed to engage in meaningful and health enhancing lifetime physical activity.  Using the Washington state’s 2016 Physical Education K-12 learning standards, Renton School District teachers will design, implement and assess student learning.  Our elementary students gain the foundation of basic movement, motor skills and fitness concepts.  Building on this foundation our secondary students develop more complex motor skills, apply strategies in fair game play (individual and team sports) and use fitness concepts to create detailed individual fitness plans.


Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment


Director Athletics

Caitlin Kelley

K-8 Health Facilitator

Kara Crum

9-12 Health Facilitator

Cheryl Parks

Elementary PE Facilitator

Teresa (Teri) Garrett

Secondary PE Facilitator