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Renton School District

Make A Plan

Completing a High School and Beyond Plan is required for high school graduation. But beyond that, what are the benefits of a dynamic and meaningful plan?

Keep your options open

  • Start out with general ideas in middle school and gradually hone in on things as you progress through high school
  • Don't rule out any particular after-high-school option. The careers that interest you in your Senior year may be different than those you thought were interesting in 8th or 9th grade.
Post-secondary training options include college, military, job market, university and apprenticeships

Maximize your effort

  • As you plan out the courses that interest you, consider
  • Dual credit courses (high school courses that offer college credit)
  • Cross-credit courses (courses that can satisfy different graduation requirements - for example, CTE requirement or science requirement)
  • Courses that offer Industry Certification options

Avoid surprises

  • Some courses may require a prerequisite (prior) course
  • Colleges/Universities may require specific courses be taken in high school

Reduce stress

  • Graduating high school into the wider world can be stressful. By starting your plan early and updating it as you progress through high school, you will be better prepared for the next stage of your life.

Exact requirements for your High School and Beyond Plan differ by high school. Check with your counselor or Career Center for details.