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Renton School District

Menus and Pricing

Free meal service for most students

School breakfast and lunch meals free to most students

Thanks to new state and federal funding, Renton School District will provide breakfast and lunch meals free to most students this school year. All students can eat school breakfast and lunches free except at Risdon Middle School, Hazen High School, and the H.O.M.E. program. Unfortunately, the federal Community Eligibility Provision grant formula left our district unable to include students those schools. Families at these sites can complete this Meal Application and email it to or drop off your school cafeteria to receive free meals in addition to other benefits.

While not required for free school meals, families are strongly encouraged to complete this Meal Application. It takes less than 10 minutes and can help students receive important school resources like: before and after school academic and enrichment programs; resources for classrooms; guidance and college counselors; health and wellness services; and more. Submit your completed form to or drop off at your school cafeteria.

Monthly Menus

2024-2025 Meal Prices

Remit payment to your Meal Account online quickly, easily, and securely

Free & Reduced Meal Price Application