Renton Schools Foundation
The Renton Schools Foundation works to increase and enhance educational opportunities for all Renton School District students by providing financial support through the fostering of community partnerships. The foundation helps bridge the gap between inadequate state and federal funding and the cost of high-quality learning opportunities for every child, every day in every classroom.
Funding Goals
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) education
- Music & Arts
- Literacy
- Teacher Grants
We strive to inspire our community to invest in education through...
Increasing public awareness about the funding challenges facing our schools and students and by communicating the short and long-term benefits of having a thriving school district that produces educated, engaged, and productive citizens.
We cultivate school-parent-community partnerships by...
Collaborating with Renton School District administration, teachers, and principals; PTA and parents; businesses; civic leaders; higher education institutions; professional education organizations; and other area education service organizations.
We foster broad corporate investment by...
Seeking investment from local, state, and national companies committed to education.
We support the vitality of our community
The 16,000 students in the Renton School District are our most valuable resource. But education does not just impact students and teachers - the quality of our schools is directly related to the vitality of our community as a whole. Having great schools increases pride in our community; increases home and commercial real estate values; provides a trainable and educated workforce; produces more affluent consumers; and reduces crime. Students today become the voters of tomorrow in a world with issues that are increasingly more complex and their future votes will impact everyone.
Learn more, and get involved on the Renton Schools Foundation website.