Nov. 8, 2022 School Construction Election Measure
Renton School District voters passed the district's School Construction measure on the Nov. 8, 2022 ballot with an overwhelming 64% approval.
Voters again showed their support for the work being done in our school district to educate students and prepare them for a successful future, to maintain our schools in excellent operating condition, to plan and execute a long-range school maintenance and construction plan, and to present election measures that intentionally consider tax implications for district property owners.
We appreciate the trust our community has in our work to ensure each student graduates with options and is prepared to participate fully in our democracy.
Renton School District voters approved a school construction measure on their November 8, 2022 election ballot.
School districts in Washington State do not receive funding for large-scale school construction needs like adding new schools as our population grows or adding classrooms as we provide students with more hands-on learning opportunities like engineering and construction. Instead, school districts create long-range school construction plans and present smaller packages of immediate needs to be approved by local voters.
The construction measure on the Nov. 8, 2022 election ballot will allow the district to stay on track to make major repairs, replacements, and upgrades to keep our schools in top operating condition, while protecting taxpayer investments in our buildings and helping maintain high property values.
The package includes needed improvements to schools across the district:
Safety & Security
- Interior door hardware/lock updates
- New key system
- Main entry video intercoms
- Entryway improvements to provide front door line-of-sight for office staff
School Improvements
- Update seismic and structural systems in older buildings (retrofitting and modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure, and more )
- Improvements and equipment replacement of school Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
- Upgrades to electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems
- Upgrades to boilers and domestic hot water heaters
Purchase Property
- Identify and purchase about 40 acres for a future Renton High School site
Build New Renton High School Campus
- Build a new high school facility for the Renton High School service area, providing a modern learning environment and equitable athletic opportunities for all students (read more below)
- We will build the new Renton High campus within district boundaries (location to be determined)
- We will not take down the current Renton High School (we will continue to find uses for this building)
Cost for this Measure
As more families, homeowners, renters, and businesses move into our district, we continue to see a decrease of our school district total combined tax rate. Even with approval of this $676 million measure, our tax rates will decrease by an additional 29 cents down to $3.26* per/$1,000 of assessed property value. The owner of a home with stable value at $500,000 can see a decrease in school district tax rates of about $195/year.
*Updated property valuation (Sept. 2022) from King County Assessor's Office indicate a combined local tax rate of $3.26/$1,000 (previously estimated at $3.16) of assessed value from passage of this measure.
Capital construction bond measures require a 60% approval rate by voters. Election date: November 8, 2022
Video presentation of November 8, 2022 ballot measure
- Cost for School Construction Measure
- Renton High School
- School Construction Projects Completed Since 2012
- Need for School Construction Measure
- Pro/Con Committee
Cost for School Construction Measure
Renton High School
School Construction Projects Completed Since 2012
Need for School Construction Measure
Pro/Con Committee
Voting Information
- In Washington, a school bond measure must be approved by 60% of the vote.
- All voting in Washington is done by mail. Ballots that will include our School Construction measure will be mailed to all voter households beginning October 19.
- With the number of national, state, and regional candidates in the Nov. 8 General Election, voters will need to flip their ballot over to find their local Renton School District School Construction Measure on side 2 of the ballot.
- Ballots must be returned by Election Day, November 8, 2022.
- Online
- By mail
- In person
Visit the King County Election's website to learn more about how to register.
We encourage all registered voters to vote. Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. You may turn in your ballot on or before Election Day at any of these ballot drop-off locations in King County.