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Renton School District

Gender-Inclusive Schools

Renton School Board believes in fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all students, regardless of gender expression, gender identity, or sex. To that end, the board recognizes the importance of an inclusive approach toward transgender and gender-expansive students with regard to key terms, communication and the use of names and pronouns, student records, confidential health and education information, communication, restroom and locker room use and accessibility, sports and physical education, dress codes, and other school activities, in order to provide these students with an equal opportunity for learning and achievement.

Policy 3211 and Procedure 3211P is a component of the district’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe, civil, respectful and inclusive learning community and will be implemented in conjunction with comprehensive training of staff and volunteers. The superintendent will appoint a primary contact to receive copies of all formal and informal complaints and ensure policy implementation.

The District's Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator is: Vickie Blakeney, Director of Student Support, 425-204-2429, 300 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98057

Also refer to the OSPI website.