Renton School District voters passed the district's School Construction measure on the Nov. 8, 2022 ballot with an overwhelming 64% approval.
Voters again showed their support for the work being done in our school district to educate students and prepare them for a successful future. This support allows the district to maintain our schools in excellent operating condition, to plan and execute a long-range school maintenance and construction plan, and to present election measures that intentionally consider tax implications for district property owners.
We appreciate the trust our community has in our work to ensure each student graduates with options and is prepared to participate fully in our democracy.
Voter approval of the construction measure on the Nov. 8, 2022 election ballot allows the district to stay on track to make major updates to keep our schools in top operating condition, while protecting taxpayer investments in our buildings and helping maintain high property values.
The package includes needed improvements to schools across the district:
Safety & Security
Interior door hardware/lock/key system updates
Main entry video intercoms
Secure entry improvements to provide front door line-of-sight for office staff
School Improvements
Update seismic and structural systems in older buildings (retrofitting and modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, soil failure, and more )
Improvements and equipment replacement of school Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
Upgrades to electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems
Upgrades to roofs at multiple buildings
Purchase Property
Identify and purchase additional property for the expansion of the Renton High School site
Build New Renton High School Campus
Build a new high school facility for the Renton High School service area, providing a modern learning environment and equitable athletic opportunities for all students (read more below)
We will build the new Renton High School on an expanded site at the current location
We will be incorporating the historic elements of the current Renton High School into the new facility
Renton School District tax rates continue to decline.
We are extremely grateful to our voters and community for their continued support to build and maintain our school buildings. Voter-approved funding allows the district to connect every student to a positive future, employ local workers, and construct and maintain school buildings, playfields, and more that serve students and the community for many decades.
As assessed value continues to improve for property owners, and more families, homeowners, renters, and businesses move into district boundaries, we continue to see a decrease of our school district total combined tax rate even as our voters support school construction measures. Since 2016, district assessed property tax rates have dropped from $5.35 in 2016 to $3.53 in 2024, a 34% reduction in just eight years.
*Note: State law provides property tax exemptions and property tax deferrals for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and disabled veterans. You may qualify for tax exemption if you meet certain criteria:
Annual household income under $84,000.
Own and occupy property as your principal residence for over six months per year.
Are over the age of 61, disabled, or a veteran with at least an 80% total disability rating.
We continue to hold true to promises to make much-needed major repairs, replacements, and upgrades to keep our schools in top operating condition, while protecting taxpayer investments in our buildings, and helping maintain high property values. Find your specific tax rate at the King County Department of Assessments Tax Transparency Tool.
Funding from these voter-approved School Construction Bond Measures is designated specifically for school construction and repairs and cannot be used for teacher pay, curriculum, or other daily school operations.
Thanks to continued community support, Renton School District has consistently made needed improvements to our school buildings over the decades. Our process is to ensure all schools are well-maintained to provide our students with the best possible learning environment.
Keeping our schools in top operating condition provides students with the best opportunities for high-level learning while helping to maintain quality of life and improve property values for our citizens.
We have been able to make these much-needed school renovations, upgrades, and improvements across the district while seeing our district tax rates decrease for property owners (down more than 34% since 2016).
On November 8, 2022, our citizens decided to support the next phase of the district's long-range School Construction Plan. This measure allows us to continue to improve:
School Safety & Security
HVAC & Seismic Improvements
Locate/Purchase Property
Build New Renton High School campus
Because of growth in the district, even with approval, district tax rates continued to decrease another 29 cents down to $3.29* per $1,000 of assessed property value. *Updated property valuation (Sept. 2022) from King County Assessor's Office indicate a combined local tax rate of $3.26/$1,000 (previously estimated at $3.16)of assessed value from passage of this measure.