Online Payments
Before you begin any on-line financial transactions, it will be helpful to have the following items readily available:
- Credit card information for any fines/fees/memberships/lunch account deposits you wish to purchase on-line.
- Your student’s “Lunch ID” and password which will be required for paying fines and fees.
If you wish to request a refund for a payment of goods or services please select from the options below:
For facility rentals scheduling and payment refunds please email the Facility Rental Team:
For secondary school payment refunds please select a school:
For other school payment refunds please select below:
For District Office payment refunds please select below:
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I find the activities for which my child is eligible?
- How can I print receipts for my web purchases?
- How can I change my user name, password, or contact information?
- How do I pay open fines for my child?
- How can I print fine and purchase ledgers for my student?
- How can I purchase items which are available to my students?
- Why was my credit or debit card declined?
- Is my credit card data stored when I use the online payments application?
- What card types are currently accepted online?
- I have a fine on my student’s account. Why would my student have a fine?
- There is an item my student wants to purchase, but i don’t see it available in the store?