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Renton School District


Thank You for Supporting Our Students

Thank you for your interest in supporting Renton School District (RSD) students and schools. We value our generous community and recognize the importance of your involvement in successfully preparing all students for their futures. 

Any donation or gift valued above a specific amount must be approved by the Renton School Board at a public meeting before it can be used. The valued amount requiring board approval for acceptance is based on District policy and state law.

  • Washington State RCW 28A.320.030
  • Renton School District _ Policy 6114 - Gifts 
    • Individuals and organizations in the community may donate materials, equipment, or supplies to the schools and/or school district if deemed compatible with the mission and values of the school district and are suitable for school district use.  
    • Donations and contributions with an estimated value less than $250 can be accepted by district staff on behalf of the district, donations valued in excess of $250 can be accepted only by the School Board. 
    • District employees seeking gifts or donations to extend or support their program or activities must first obtain approval from the building principal or responsible district administrator.
    • Staff soliciting on-line donations or group-funding support for the classroom and school need permission prior to listing a request.
    • For information about how to contribute financially or donate classroom materials to a school, please contact the school directly

Financial Gift/Donation Process

Step One: Donate

Make a financial donation to a specific school.

* Please note: The donation of cash is not the preferred method of payment due to the inherent risk involved. Please consider a personal check/money order or using our web portal for payment.

Step Two: Complete the Form

Complete the Request for Acceptance of Gifts/Donations (PDF) for all donations and email it to with any other attachments for review and approval as appropriate.

The Renton Community is vibrant with area with many who support our students in many ways.  If you were questioning where to donate and how your donation would impact Renton. Please visit our community partners who do great work in our community that directly support our students and learn more. 

Renton Schools Foundation Logo
Communities In Schools of Renton Logo