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Renton School District

Partnership Insurance Requirements

With any partnership there are shared responsibilities and risks to each organization.  This page is intended to mitigate risks and guide potential partners through what is required in regards to insurance coverage related to partnership activities.  Any variation from our standard will require approval from the Superintendent or designee.  We encourage providers to communicate with their insurance brokers.

Partnering with the school district begins with understanding the services that will be rendered and determining how those services impact our students.  The District uses insurance policies to mitigate financial risk related to activities with/without students. For insurance determination we ask our prospective partners:

Will the service or activity involve direct student supervision and contact?

Option 1:  If the answer is "No" then the following insurance is required:

"No" Direct Student Supervision

Certificate of Insurance (COI) example for no direct student supervision.

Option 2:  If the answer is "Yes, but shared with District staff supervision" then the following insurance is required:

"Yes", but with shared District staff supervision

Certificate of Insurance (COI) example for shared student supervision.

Option 3:  If the answer is "Yes, without District staff supervision" then there are three levels of risks associated with student contact.  Please select the level that best represents the proposed activity:

Level 1 (Individual Ratio) _1:1 Student to staff ratio

"Yes"...Individual Ratio student to staff ratio of 1:1

Certificate of Insurance (COI) example for individual ratio student supervision.

Level 2 (Small Ratios) _1:2-1:5 Student to staff ratio

"Yes"...Small Ratios with student to staff ratios of 1:2-1:5

Certificate of Insurance (COI) example for small ratio student supervision.

Level 3 (Large Ratios) _>1:5 Student to staff ratio

"Yes"...Large ratios with student to staff ratios of greater than 1:5

Certificate of Insurance (COI) example for large ratio student supervision.

These requirements are to be provided with evidence of a Certificate of Insurance (COI) and submitted with your Partnership Agreement (PA).  If you need assistance determining the required insurance policies please contact your District representative or email

Insurance Requirement Decision Tree