For new partners:
Step 1
Make a connection with a school and the district to share program information and goals.
Approximately 1-2 weeks
Step 2
Partner has meeting with school principal and/or district staff to work out details (i.e. activities, time, space, dates).
Approximately 1 week
For new/returning partners:
Step 3
Prospective Partner completes the Partnership Agreement (PA) and submits it, with a Certificate of Liability insurance (COI), to the District contact for consideration.
Approximately 1 week
Step 4
The respective department/school reviews the Partnership Agreement (PA) and Certificate of Liability insurance (COI) for required elements (this may include back and forth edits with partner).
Approximately 1 week
Step 5
Final versions is signed by a Partner representative and sent to the District contact (with updated COI if necessary).
Time depends on partner
Step 6a
Partnership Agreement (PA) and Certificate of Liability insurance (COI) goes for final review with the Deputy Superintendent and respective contact team.
Step 6b
Additional signatures and considerations may be needed
Approximately 1-2 weeks
Step 7
If approved and there is a cost for the program, a purchase order will be established by the respective school/department.
Please allow 2 weeks
Step 8
Send all invoices to unless otherwise directed.