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Renton School District

Budget Development

Budget Development 2024-2025 School Year

Renton School District leadership continues work to balance next school year’s budget. As presented to the School Board at their second study session on March 27, 2024, the district will need to remove approximately $11 million (3.6% of total budget) in Covid-relief dollars, known as Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding, for the 2024-25 school year. Beyond ESSER, it is estimated that there will need to be an additional $9-11 million (2.9-3.6% of total budget) in reductions. (See both School Board Budget Study Sessions below.)

Reduction of ESSER Funding for 2024-25

Renton School District has been preparing for the ending of the ESSER program for the last three years. This funding was provided to school districts nationwide for continuity of learning, health and safety improvements, learning enhancements and support, and other programs that helped students stay on track with their learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, each year the district has removed this funding from the budget as the program winds down. This process will continue for the 2024-25 budget. 

Additional Budget Reductions for 2024-25

As with many school districts in the region, our district is facing reductions to next year’s budget due in part to a drop in student enrollment, rapidly escalating insurance/energy/supply costs, across-the-board cost increases for goods and services, and increases in pay and benefits. To address these challenges, the district has already taken, and will continue to take, steps to make the additional reductions of $9-11 million needed for the upcoming school year.

Difficult, Personal Decisions to be Made

Inevitably, the depth of the budget challenge has required difficult and, at times, very personal decisions. This continues to be a difficult and challenging process for all involved and is amplified by the fact some of the reductions are people's jobs. We will continue to work to support all staff and find the best solutions in each area.

High-Level Overview of Proposed Reductions and Adjustments
  • Reducing expenditures in the current fiscal year and offsetting existing costs with new state revenue = $6 million
  • Aligning categorical, grant, and capital costs strategically = $2.4 million
  • Making reductions and adjustments for the 2024-25 school year = $11.5 million
  • Total adjustments/reductions = $19.9 million
Next Steps
  • Continue to work on the budget and make reductions where possible
  • Collaborate with labor partners 
  • Addressing impacts created by reductions
  • Prepare draft budget for Board and public review
  • The Board is anticipated to consider the final proposed 2024-2025 budget in June.

2024-25 Proposed Budget Presentation - Board Meeting June 5, 2024

First page of the PDF file: 2024-25Budget-Proposed

2024-25 Proposed Budget Document - Board Meeting June 5, 2024

First page of the PDF file: F195_Entire_Budget_FinalForBoardAdoptionwCover

Board Budget Study Session, March 27, 2024

Board Budget Study Session 3_27_2024

Board Budget Study Session, Feb. 14, 2024

Board Budget Study Session Feb. 14, 2024

2024-2025 Budget Overview Video

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Budget Decision Making

Students are at the heart of our work and our decision making. While planning for this budget, we continue to be fiscally responsible and committed to student success. 

Our principles for budget development:

  • Prioritize student-focused activities and supports that allow us to hold true to our Core Values of Service, Excellence, and Equity as well as our priority areas of Family and Community Engagement, Excellence in Learning and Teaching, and Removing Barriers.
  • Consider the long-term academic and fiscal impacts of budget decisions.
  • Provide adequate resources for operational support for our students, staffs, and schools.

The greatest share of a school district’s budget is devoted to personnel costs for salary and benefits. For our district as much as 85% of our budget goes to staff salary and benefits. Additionally, much of the funding from the state and federal government is designated, by law, to be used only for specific programs. This leaves little wiggle room for where we can make budget adjustments. Given this predicament, any significant changes will impact our staff. We are committed to maximize the educational impact for our students.

Our priority is to ensure equality of opportunity for all students and to continue to provide every student with an equal chance to succeed.

Budget Timeline

2023-24 budget development process:

Traditional expenditure patterns continue to return to the District's school operations as we move into this budget development cycle.  While the threat of the pandemic has subsided, it comes with significant Budget implications moving forward.

In this legislative cycle, stakeholders have been focused on enhancing social and emotional resources at schools.  This has the potential to offset some existing services implemented in prior years along with filling a budget imbalance carried forward from prior budget cycles.  Where there is the potential for issues resides with perception of regionalization adjustments in funding formulas.  Some Districts throughout the State see the regionalization system as unfair and the Legislature may try to enact change to equalize funding.  Current proposals position Renton to lose ongoing revenues from the State in the amount of $5 -$10 million range.  Much is to be debated and the Legislative may prove to be interesting this cycle.

This activity and potential/projected changes are cumulated into budget documents shared with you in the column to the right.  Explore them and ask questions.

Budget Documents  Fiscal Year 2023-24

Final Budget

The Final Budget documents are provided as a detailed budget proposal for the 2023-24 fiscal year.  The information presented in these documents has been provided to the Board for final approval on August 9, 2023.

2023-24 Final Budget Document

First page of the PDF file: F195F195F_2023-24FinalBudget
2023-2024 Budget Presentation
First page of the PDF file: 2023-24PreliminaryBudgetPlan_ADA

Preliminary Budget Summaries

Preliminary budget documents are provided as a high-level preliminary budget assessment for the 2023-24 fiscal year.  The information presented in these documents are preliminary and will be updated with final versions soon.

2023-24 Preliminary Budget Plan
First page of the PDF file: F195_2023-24PreliminaryBudget_ADA

Annual budgets are developed through a cyclical process involving many steps.  Below is a current document synopsis of the progress of our budget development.

Budget Process Documents Provided for the Community and Board of Directors:
2023-24 Budget Development Update
First page of the PDF file: 2023-24BudgetDevelopmentUpdate-May2023_ADA
2023-24 Budget Basics
First page of the PDF file: 2023-24BudgetBasicsRevisedADA