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Renton School District

Budget Development

Budget Decision Making

Students are at the heart of our work and our decision making. While planning for our budget, we continue to be fiscally responsible and committed to student success while ensuring our budget is balanced and bringing expenditures in line with revenue. Our principles for budget development:

  • Prioritize student-focused learning, activities, and supports that allow us to hold true to our Core Values of Service, Excellence, and Equity as well as our priority areas of Family and Community Engagement, Excellence in Learning and Teaching, and Removing Barriers.
  • Consider the long-term academic and fiscal impacts of budget decisions.
  • Provide adequate resources for operational support for our students, staffs, and schools.

Like all school districts in Washington state, Renton School District’s budget is comprised of three main sources:

  • State (74%)
  • Federal (11%)
  • Local Levy (14%)

The greatest share of a school district’s budget is devoted to personnel costs for salary and benefits. In our district, as much as 85% of our budget goes to staff salary and benefits. Additionally, much of the funding from the state and federal government is designated, by law, to be used only for specific programs. This leaves little wiggle room for where we can make budget adjustments.

Our priority is to ensure each student graduates with options and prepared to participate fully in our democracy.

Budget Development 2025-2026 School Year

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Budget Timeline

Budget Development 2024-2025 School Year

Budget Development 2023-2024 School Year