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Renton School District

Managed Funds

Debt Service Fund

The Debt Service Fund oversees bond issuances for the construction, technology, and transportation needs of the District. It coordinates all the District's long-term debts, and monitors bond payment schedules.


Capital Projects Fund

The Facilities Planning Department manages construction projects such as new buildings, rebuilds, remodels and renovations of the District facilities. To contact a project manager, or to find out information about a particular project, contact the Facilities Department at (425) 204-4403.

The Business Office oversees the transactions that help finance these capital projects. These transactions include:

  1. The Capital Projects fund also assists in the financing of activities for the improvement of technology throughout the District as directed on the 2003 Bond issuance.
  2. Payments to contractors and other vendors for services and goods.
  3. Preparation and submission of reports to various local and state agencies.
  4. Monitor spending and investment earnings.
  5. Directs appropriate use of bond moneys.
  6. Long-term leases of District property.


Transportation Vehicle Fund

The Transportation Vehicle Fund is maintained to allow the District to purchase new buses and retire older buses as needed. School buses are purchased with the use of taxpayer levies, bond issuances and other funding sources. Major purchases of multiple buses are overseen by the Debt Service Fund.

Fund Contacts

Business Office:
(425) 204-2364

Facilities Department/Project Management:
Theresa Reece
Executive Assistant
(425) 204-4403